Telus CTO Talks About 2,700% Signaling Increase

The wireless signaling challenge is big news. Headlines is a new feature of the Taming the Signaling Storm blog that covers breaking news about signaling challenges that make the news.

There’s a new network math, according to the CTO of Telus and it goes like this: 100% increase in wireless data equals 2700% increase in signaling.

Eros Spadotto, executive vice-president of technology and operations at Telus, presented these dismal new figures in a speech at the IEEE International Conference on Communications this week in Ottawa. Here’s the complete quote:

“The reality is that while our megabytes of traffic is increasing, the signaling from these devices is greatly overwhelming that. In fact, we can look at a period of time where our growth has been 100% year over year on payload, on how many megabytes, but our signaling has grown 2,700%.”

To read more about the speech, here’s the article from website, which covers Canadian telecom issues.

About Isabelle Dumont

Head of Marketing at SEVEN Networks
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